Saturday, April 12, 2008

Measuring and Weighing

One of the key elements to weight loss, is to measure and weigh your food--to be sure of portion control.

That's something I've been lazy about doing lately. And I've noticed my single portions are becoming more like one and half portions or more. So I really need to get back to utilizing those all-important utensils or before I know it I'll be well outside of my allerting number.

Invest in a little kitchen scale, as well as a nice set of measuring cups, and then use them and continue to use them forevermore. Remember, this is a life altering process, ongoing, never to cease, if we want to be in control of our physical shape and health. It takes determination and effort year round to achieve and maintain a healthy body, so let's all get to it!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Weighing and Measuring is something I have been doing, but not consistently. Now that I've put 11 weeks into the gym my Trainer feels I need to put a lot more work into my "nutrition", so starting today, I'm putting nothing in this mouth without it being weighed and measured. I'm fearing what my roast beef dinner will look like to tonight. I enjoy this meal so much and have never weighed/measured in fear of how little I'll get to eat. Tonight may be a big EYE OPENER as to how many calories I've REALLY been consuming on my Sunday night dinners these past 3 months. Colleen St. Cath