Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summertime is Great for Healthy Living

Out with the carb-laden stews, toasty-warm breads, and hot fat-or-sugar-saturated desserts that winter brings, and in with the fresh fruits and vege's, grilled meats, and ice-cold pure water.

Where I live the temperatures are climbing and the air-conditioners are in full motion, so summer is definitely here. And what better time to reassess your health than now. Actually, everyday is a great time to take stock of where you're at, and where you want to be, but the beginning of summer just seems to offer a little extra boost. With outdoor pools open, welcoming you to swim for exercise when walking in the humidity just won't do, and with all those fresh veges and fruits available for healthy eating, summer is the perfect time to strive for optimal health.

The multitude of summer physical activities to do is mind-boggling. Consider challenging yourself to try something new this season. Perhaps set a goal to swim with your kids three times a week and build the number of laps you all can do. Or plan to play basketball and bounce on your trampoline (or the neighbors if they're generous) with a loved one or two on a regular basis.

While you're building your physical activity, try aligning your meals in the same healthy way. Grill lean meats, substitute fresh salads for the winter breads. Not every hamburger needs to become a sandwich. Try a patty nude. You might discover it has more taste without the covering. For dessert, a chilled bowl of fresh fruit and berries, no need to add sugar, will finish the meal off right, and with a healthy twist that won't get you down.

I hope you'll take this new season as an opportunity to begin afresh and really consider what would be good for your health. Get your family involved so that you can all benefit, both relationship wise and health wise.

Surrendering to Him,
