Friday, April 4, 2008

I'm so proud of my sister!

I received an e-mail from my sister, Colleen, that inspired me greatly. Colleen is working with a personal trainer to get control of her weight issues and she's doing great. I wanted to share this excerpt with you all as a source of encouragement.

This is what Colleen said:

Last week was my first week in about 10 years that I didn't have a nap in the afternoon M-F and today is Wed., my 3rd day of this week - no nap - I make myself go to the gym right after work M-F for a work out - rather that going home and sleeping for an hour - by the time I get home it's too late to nap and I've got dinner to make, then hubby gets home and before you know it, it's 8 p.m. and I'm getting ready for bed - yes I know I drop in bed early, but I get up at 5:15 , so I figure 8- 8:30 bedtime isn't too bad - I like 9 hours of sleep a night.

So while the pounds are sticking around, my stamina is improving and I'm feeling much, much better.....oh and the best thing yet......................

I have to use the dryer for my Darks (the clothes line won't do) my inches are going and I have to SHRINK MY CLOTHES!!!!

LOVE IT, I don't ever recall having this issue before.

I was 4X when I started, 3X's are what I'm shrinking in the dryer now. 2X will be snug - but that's what I'll buy next round so I can shrink out of them over a couple of months of use. I will definitely be hitting "Value Village" for the next year or so to buy cheap. Once I hit goal I'm going clothe shopping crazy. What a dilemma to have, eh?

I'm so excited for Colleen. And I want to note that muscle weighs more than fat and so although the scale may not be registering her decrease in fat, it is registering her increase in muscle due to her workouts and muscle burns more calories!!! Keep up the great work!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Eileen for the kind words. I'm truly enjoying this site and this experience I'm going through loosing my excess weight. I have so much support. My fellow employee's, my husband, my daughters, Meg at home and Mar all the way over in Dubai. My Sisters. My Trainer Kate as well as all the other trainers at Goodlife fitness, they never let me leave the gym without saying "good job". This site is incredible and I do hope we'll soon see comments from others that can help inspire me to continue on with this journey that may very well take me 24 months, and then the rest of my life maintaining. Colleen St. Cath.