Monday, April 21, 2008

Carbs--Don't we just love them!

Hi, All:

This site needed some colour so I added a few widgets that I thought might be of interest. Take a look over there on the right hand side and check out what they offer. I hope they provide some more tips as well as encouragement to us all. One of the widgets provides healthy recipes, if you try some of them out, please share your reviews of it in the comment box. I'm always looking for recommended recipes.

Now, onto my tip of the day. Carbohydrates. To many of us that is a nasty word because it is the main cause of our over-sized hips, protruding stomach, chafing thighs...the list could go on. We like our breads and we like our sugars, but they don't like us!

There lies the problem.

So, it is with a sigh that I go forward and say: LIMIT THE CARB INTAKE!

A good rule of thumb is to choose items that have less than 25% of it's carbohydrates from sugar. If you can get into the habit of looking at labels, take a look at the grams of carbs in a serving and then look into the detailed section to see what the number of grams of those carbs is derived from sugar. Do the math. Is the grams of sugar a quarter or less of the total grams of carbohydrates in a single serving of the product? If so, it is a healthy choice, if not, consider it a treat and make your decision of whether to partake in it's sweetness accordingly.

Again, think moderation here. It doesn't do to give up everything you desire, but by implementing discipline on a level you may find a challenge, but doable, you will reach your goal that much faster.

May your day be filled with good choices!



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