Friday, May 23, 2008

Stress Release

Hi, All:

If you're like me, or at least, how I used to be, you'll gravitate to empty-calorie food when times of stress hit. For our own health, we have to conquer this defeating action. And that's not going to happen when you're in the thick of things, is it?

So, what about practicing better alternatives to stress release ahead of time? What about training our minds to gravitate toward something healthier as a calming, stress-buster?

Consider things you enjoy. Do you enjoy pumping iron? Do you enjoy gardening, walking, talking to an old friend, digging up worms for your next fishing exhibition, quilting, needle work, writing, cleaning? The list is endless. While you're not in high stress take the time to discover things that you can turn to in times of despair or agitation to keep you from sabotaging your healthy attempts at eating well when those difficult hours/days strike. If you prepare ahead of time and train your mind to directly desire healthy choices instead of destructive food, then you'll have a better chance at combating the old stand-in harmful stress releases.

So take a few moments this weekend to consider what has a calming and peaceful effect on you and make note of it for the next time you need a quick diversion.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, everyone!



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