Friday, May 2, 2008

Met My Challenge, Did You?

Hi, All:

I am pleased to announce that it is much, much easier and faster to lose 2 lbs when you're in a healthy weight zone, than when you are not.

Sticking to my "diet" allotment for just one day accomplished my goal! Those 2 extra pounds are no more--Hooray!

See, it's worth the struggle to get rid of the weight upfront and well worth the effort to maintain your goal weight. By having a small alerting number to set you back onto a "diet" you can accomplish it with so much more ease than waiting until you have too many pounds to lose again.

When you're in goal weight it takes much longer to gain pounds than it does to lose them if you stay on top of it and try and make wise choices along the way. When you think of it, it makes sense, as how many years did it take you to gain all those pounds in the first place? For most of us, a lot. They just accumulate over time at a snail's pace so that we really don't notice it until one becomes more than evident to our previously closed eyes.

Well, I'm off for a scrap booking retreat with my Mom and a couple of my sisters. May we all have a wonderful weekend ahead!



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