Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Keeping a detailed food and exercise log.

For my first post, I'm going to give you what I consider the most important tool to weight loss. Seriously, take the plunge and try it and not just for a day or two, commit to doing it for a couple weeks at least and then you'll see how easy and helpful it really is.

I know it seems like a pain at first, but once you get the handle of it, this type of record keeping is invaluable to achieving and maintaining your weight goals and it takes little energy and time to do, too.

You'll want to personalize your own log, but what works for me is having a counter of how many portions of protein, carbs, fruits, vegetables, dairy, fats, miscellaneous (ie, the naughty stuff), and water intake, in the form of a summary on my daily log. I also write down exactly what I eat throughout the day with weight and measurements of certain foods included. That way I can't cheat. If I've eaten a whole medium-sized banana or a large apple, that's counted as two fruits, not just one. These small things really do make a difference when you're trying to drop pounds. I also note if I've done my walk that day, or not.

If you work from home this kind of record keeping is pretty simple. Just keep your spiral notebook, or duotang on your kitchen counter or hanging on a cork board, ready for you to write your entries in each time you have a meal or a snack. If you work outside the home and have access to a computer, what about creating a log in a document or carrying a small notebook with you to update throughout the day?

Where there is a will, there is a way!!

To me, this is the single most important tool that helped me achieve my goal weight, and I believe it will be the best tool for helping me maintain my goal weight for life. It makes me accountable on paper, therefore I see and can't deny when I've taken too many liberties and my clothes start feeling tight as a result.

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