Monday, October 27, 2008

The Ill bug caught me.

I have a stuffy nose, painful ears, scratchy throat, and feel warm, too. I'm not doing too well lately.

The older I get the longer these bugs seem to stay with me. It's very annoying. To top this woe off tomorrow I head over to diagnostic imaging for a thyroid biopsy that I've not been looking forward to. So, needless to say, I'm sorry I haven't posted for a couple weeks, but life has been a little difficult on me as of late.

Okay, what does all this have to do with weight control? Well, when I'm sick, and anxious, as the case may be, I tend to want comfort foods, and that includes gravies, pastas, buns, etc. Not good for the diet, trust me. My parents visited this weekend and what do I make them, gravy saturated pork and chicken on a bun. At least I included a tossed salad as something healthy in the meal. This kind of meal has been the norm as of late, so I really need to get back on track. More fish, and less drippings!

Okay, I'm going to promise to down eight servings of vegetables/fruit each day to help me get back on track regardless of this silly cold and anxiety woes. I'll try and report in here often. My hope is that intaking that much "Excellent" sources of food will help me shrink the intake of all the "comfort" foods I've been craving.

Till next time, I pray you all are succeeding with your own weight management.



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