Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Portion Control

Hi, All:

I've decided to switch to Tuesday and Thursday posting here as life is crazy busy for me.

I thought today I'd offer a few "recommended" portion sizes from the Protein selection. Now these aren't what we tend to eat in terms of quantity, it's what we should count as a single serving that I'm offering here.

I know, we don't like thinking of that, but reality is, if we want to lose weight or keep it off, we need to deal with portion control! Keep in mind that these amounts are all measured in the raw state, prior to cooking. There's no allowance allotted for shrinkage, sorry, guys! And I'm also referring to the leanest, lowest fat options as well. So choose wisely.

Beef: 4 oz. (And, yes, I do use a little kitchen scale and weigh my food.)
Poultry (dark meat): 4 oz.
Poultry (white meat): 5 oz.
Fish: 5 oz.
Pork: 4 oz.
Veal: 4 oz.
Lamb: 4 oz.
Liver (beef, calf, chicken): 4 oz.
Wild Game: 4 oz.
Deli Slices (remember to look for low-sodium as well as fat-free): 125 g
Salmon (Canned, water-packed): 4 oz.
Tuna (Canned, water-packed): 4 oz.
Egg Whites: 4 large
Eggs (Whole): 2 large
Cottage Cheese: 1 cup

Beans are another great source of protein, but they contain a high amount of starch, so keep that in mind while calculating your daily intake. For a 1/2 cup of the following beans you should count the serving as 1/2 protein plus 1 full starch.

Black beans
Kidney beans

Happy weighing and measuring everyone!



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