Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tired and Frustrated...

...is giving me cravings for what I ought not to have right now.

Luckily I hadn't taken my yummy calcium chocolate supplement, so that took care of the urge. It's just a little rectangle of a chewy chocolatey morsel, but it did the trick.

What do you guys do to ward off unwanted cravings when you don't have time to run, walk, or occupy yourself in something that won't allow you to eat the forbidden?




Anonymous said...

You could take a little break and come visit your friend down the street that hasn't seen you in a dog's age....

Eileen Astels Watson said...

I'll have to do that. Hubby's on vacation for the next week, starting today, so maybe the week after we'll be able to connect before Vacation Bible School starts.

Pray all is well with you and the family!